
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Let's Say Thanks!

I just barely found out about this and had to share. Xerox has set up a site where you can send a thank you postcard to troops for FREE. Just visit, pick a card design, pick a message to include and hit submit. Xerox will then print your card and send it to a U.S. solider currently serving overseas.

It takes less than 5 minutes and it's completely free. Plus, you should see the card designs. The artwork is all hand-drawn by children from all over the country and it's enough to make you cry. Seriously.

Just think if every person you know sent one! Wouldn't it be amazing for the soilders to get a bunch of these? I've already sent my card, and I hope you do too.


  1. Someone posted about that on one my of Shelfari groups. It's a neat idea, I'll have to send a card or two later. :)

  2. Thanks so much for telling us about this!! I just sent mine.

  3. Thanks for posting this! I just sent one :)

  4. I'm going to send one. It sounds like a great thing to do.


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