
Sunday, January 03, 2010

Best of 2009 Roundup

So I actually meant to post this on New Years Eve, but things got in the way. SO now that I have a few spare moments, it's going up now.

A lot of blogs (including mine) have created a top books of 2009 lists over the past few weeks. Well, I thought it would be fun to do a roundup of everyone's lists. Now, I know I've missed some, so if you have a list (or if you post one later) telling us your favorite books of 2009, leave me a link and I'll add it. I've chosen to focus on mainly YA lists, although you'll find a few adult and children's books scattered around these lists too.

This is going to be a work in progress, so keep checking back to see what's new.

Best Books of 2009 (no particular order)
In case you missed it, I posted a list of my top 20 most memorable books read in 2009 right here at The Shady Glade.

Lauren of Lauren's Crammed Bookshelf was able to narrow her list down to 32 personal favorites from this year. This is quite the list!

Kristi from The Story Siren has posted her top 15 from the year. These books "all posses at least one quality that made a lasting impression. Be it.... unforgettable characters, intriguing plot line, impeccable writing, etc. etc....". Great list Kristi!

Em of Em's Bookshelf has combined her favorite reads from this year with her New Years book-related resolutions. A great reflection post all in one!

Kristen from Bookworming in the 21st Century has her top 20 reads posted. Her post looks a little different, since she used only book covers to compile her list. Good idea Kristen!

Extreme Reader also has 15 book on her list. This one's also got some great books, both old and new on it.

Alea from Pop Culture Junkie has a roundup of all the books she gave 5 stars in 2009. That makes choosing much easier, doesn't it? I need to do that next year...

Ravenous Reader shares her favorite 12 books from the year and wants to know what everyone else enjoyed this past year.

Celi.a has posted 20 of her favorites from this year. She's included some great books both from 2009 and from previous years too.

Lori from Pure Imagination has a list of her favorites up. She was originally going to post only 10, but the list grew a little bigger than that. However, the list is still quite manageable (and definitely below 50)

Kate from The Neverending Shelf in addition to hosing the first ever Shelfie Awards has also posted a list of her personal favorites up. I was glad to see some of my favorites from this year that haven't shown up anywhere else on this list.

Khy of Frenetic Reader has listed her favorite books of 2009 (not including those that will be publised in 2010). My favorite is the book that made her crave cheese. Nope, I'm not going to tell you, you have to read the post yourself.

Semicolon reviews all kinds of books, but she's recently added a list of her top 11 favorite YA books from 2009.

Jessica from Book Reviews by Jess has listed both her favorite YA and adult books this year. A lot of those adult books have lots of YA appeal, so definitely check this list out.

Melissa from One Librarian's Book Reviews also made choosing her favorites easier on herself by simply choosing those she gave 5 stars. There's lots of great books on this list, including some of my favorites.

Shannon Hale has also chosen some of her favorite books of the year. You can find both part 1 and part 2 at her blog.

Numbered Best Books lists
Rebbecca of Rebbecca's Book Blog managed to get her list down to the top 5 (how?), with The Stolen One by Suzanne Crowley at the top.

Katie from Katie's Book Blog has her top 20 books listed, with Beautiful Creatures in the number 1 spot. That's the first time I've seen that at the top, although it's made a lot of other lists.

Cindy from Princess Bookie managed to narrow down her list to her #1 pick of the year. I don't think I could choose only one. I won't give her choice away, so you'll have to visit her post to find out what it was.

Sarah from GreenBeenTeenQueen has a countdown of her top 10 books for the year. This one has a few honorable mentions thrown in there too.

Arya from Sea of Pages has shared her top 15 favorite books from the year. She's also assigned a characteristic for each one. (Thanks for the warning on Sphinx's Princess Arya!)

Something a little different
Katie from Katie's Bookshelf shares not only her 10 most memorable books from 2009, but categorizes these as the most re-readable books she's read this year.

Sharon of Sharon Loves Books and Cats has posted about her the best 3 books from 2009... and the 3 worst. There's some on here I haven't seen anywhere else. Go Sharon!

My fellow Cybils panelist Charlotte has a list of 4 books that she "will always remember". Funnily enough, I hadn't even heard of any of the books on her list before. Guess I have a few more I need to check out.

Melanie of Melanie's Musings has an interesting take on the whole list experience. She's assigned categories to her favorite books including most fun and most surprising. Click over to see what book got what.

Jacket Whys is one of my favorite blogs that discusses book covers, and so of course her yearly roundup features the best book covers of 2009.

Heather at Beside the Norm has counted down her top 7 paranormal books from the year, to place number 1, which is the winner of this year's Ghostie award. You can also contribute ideas for the reader's choice Ghostie. How fun is that?

Multiple lists
Taschima from Bloody Bookaholic has posted a list with her favorite stand alone books as well as her favorite series books from 2009.

I'm always amazed by how many books Becky from Becky's Book Reviews manages to get through. And her 2009 lists are no different. Becky posted a list of her favorite books of the year, then narrowed it down to the top 52 books of the week, and then 12 books of the month. She also shares her favorite first lines from the year. That's a lot of books!

Yan from Books By Their Cover also posted several favorites lists. Hers include great guilty reads, addicting and series reads, and a "stuck in my head" list. If you look at all three, you may notice a small trend. That's Yan for you! ;)

Steph Su from Steph Su Reads may be the last in this roundup, but she is certainly not the least. She has posted an 8-part series on her favorite books of the year. EIGHT! She's divided the books into literally just about every category you can think of. If you're looking for a good place to start looking for something to read, you really got to check out her posts. I've linked to her roundup post for convenience, which sort of acts as an index so you can see what's on each list. Really, you should check these out. Even if just to marvel at the work that went into these posts.

That's it for now. If you enjoyed this, please leave me a comment and let me know. I'd also love to get the word out to other bloggers that I don't know about, so if you want to post this in your sidebar or post about it, that would be great. No pressure though :)

And don't forget to let me know if I missed one or made a mistake! I'd be happy to fix it.


  1. Thank you Alyssa for the breakdown and for doing the spade work for all of us. Now to just get on to all the blogs listed. Thanks once again.

  2. I always think it's interesting to see what books made everyones lists.

  3. Thank you for the link, Alyssa! Really great list.

  4. That's a great idea Alyssa! =) I'd love it if you checked mine out as well, .

  5. WOW! Thanks for this list! (And for your kind words about mine; I'm still recovering from making those lists, haha). I'm definitely bookmarking this page so I can come back to it. :)

  6. What a great idea! Now I have to come back later when I have more time and make sure I've read all of these :) And of course thanks for including mine!

  7. Great idea! And thanks for including mine. I will have to go over all these lists when I have a little more time.

  8. Great list of lists! Thanks for including mine. And the book covers are out of sheer laziness... lol. And.. they're pretty :)

  9. Wowowow!

    Amazing compilation, great list. Love this post :)

  10. I think it's amazing that you created this roundup (with those kind afterwords)! I would agree with you that I could never narrow it down unless you do like a top one hundred (that aren't even numbered 1-100 ;P)

  11. What a great idea! I kept wishing I had time and effort to write down everyone's favorite books and read them. Thanks for compiling them! I listed my 5-star reviews for the year here.

  12. Wow, so many links! I love reading book lists, so I'm definitely gonna have to spend an afternoon clicking through all these. I also made one over on my blog:

    They're a list of fantasy books, but quite a few are YA, 'cause who can resist a good YA? ;)

  13. Thank you so much! I love lists and this will come in handy when buying books :D

  14. Terrific post!! It must have taken you forever to put together! I haven't even done my own list and you have collected others. I really appreciate the links and I plan to get through them all. I always find so many good suggestions from other bloggers. I'd be happy to post a link on my blog mentioning it too. Thanks for all of your hard work!

  15. This is a GREAT idea. Thanks for including me in your 'list!' I enjoyed going through and checking out the ones I hadn't seen yet.

  16. Dang woman, that's quite the list you got there (:


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