
Monday, January 11, 2010

Contest Roundup: January 11

So I'm still pretty busy with our company this week, so I'm going to make this a really quick roundup. I promise I'll have a larger one next week.

As far as contest news goes here at The Shady Glade, don't forget Friday is your absolute last day to enter the Design a Button contest. Also, I finally picked a comment contest prize for January: The Miles Between. So make sure you check out the rule post for that if you haven't already.

Moving on, Jessica from Shut Up! I'm Reading has a celebration going on since she's reached 200 followers. 4 winners will get the chance to pick from a list of books including Hearts at Stake. Open internationally, ends Feb 14.

The lovely Celi.a is having a contest to celebrate the new year and her new job with $25 to spend at The Book Depository. All you have to do is tell her your beverage of choice while reading. Open internationally, ends Jan 20.

Sammee from I Want to Read That has reached 100 followers and is celebrating with a 30-pound trip to the Book Depository (30 pounds because she's in the UK, but I'm in the US, so I have the dollar sign ($) instead of the fancy L for pounds on my keyboard. So just imagine it there.) Obviously open internationally and ends Jan 25.

La Femme Readers is also having a book of your choice giveaway. Lots of those going around. :-) Two winners (US only) will be allowed to pre-order a 2010 release book of their choice (under $25). Ends Feb 15

So that's it for me this roundup. I hope you found some great contests to enter!


  1. Nice short roundup which makes it easier to play with the contests... Thanks for the heads up and have a good week at work!!

    jackie b central texas

  2. Thanks for the links!
    I have also been seeing a lot of "your choice" giveaways.

  3. This is the best way to find contests. Thanks for passing these on to us.

  4. I already knew about most of these, but I most say, I loved your little L pound part.


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