
Monday, January 25, 2010

Contest Roundup: January 25

I know I missed the roundup last week, so I wanted to make sure I got to it today. My sidebar's looking a little small too...

First off I want to tell you about a brand new feature hosted by The Neverending Shelf and Bookworming in the 21st Century: The Author Safari. These too have cooked up a unique author-based contest you just have to check out. Prize this time around are some Magic Under Glass goodies. Ends Jan 25 (today!) so hurry and enter!

I've been meaning to post this one for while, but there you go. Princess Bookie has a brand new contest going on for the new year your pick of 4 2010 ARCs. One of them is The Bad Queen, which I've been really excited to read. Ends Jan 26.

There's a 700 follower contest going on at Fantastic Book Review. Three winners can choose from a loooong list of books to celebrate the new year. This list really is long, and includes Shiver, in case you haven't read it yet. Ends Jan 29.

Here's a chance to enter the Best of YA Giveaway hosted by Book Bound. 4 winners will have their choice from a list of 15 of the best YA books of the year, including Eyes Like Stars which was one of my favorite 2009 reads. Ends Feb 5.

Eleni from La Femme Readers is giving away a copy of Darklight, the sequel to Wondrous Strange. I'm excited for this one, it looks good. Ends Feb 10.

Melanie from Melanie's Musings is having a giveaway to celebrate the end of her Beauty and the Beast week. The prize pack includes two books and one DVD. Ends Feb 15.

And last but not last for this week, Juiciliciousss Reviews is also having New Year's Contest. She's got 4 different prize packs up for grabs, so there's something for everyone here. One has Jeykll Loves Hyde, which you all know is one I'm waiting for. Ends Feb 14.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the roundup--there are a couple here I'd like to win!


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