
Saturday, February 13, 2010

I'm On Hold...

*Please note: This is a future-dated post so it will remain at the top of the blog for a few days. Scroll down for new content*

I've tried to keep up with the blog this week, but have failed miserably. Why, you ask? Well, it's the Olympics. I love watching the Olympics and due to the fact that I missed the 2008 games and this is the first chance I've had to watch a lot of the events (thanks to the miracle of DVR), I'm spending a lot of my time catching up on that. Which means I'm not blogging.

So I may be scarce these next few days until the games are done. In the meantime, you should go watch them too!

I'd like to leave you with this quote from the CEO John Furlong’s speech at opening ceremonies:

The Olympic Flame has touched many millions and prompted spontaneous, peaceful celebration. Reminding us all that those values that unite and inspire the best in us we must never abandon. As the Olympic Cauldron is lit, the unique magic of the Olympic Games will be released upon us.

Magic so rare that it cannot be controlled by borders. The kind of magic that invades the human heart touching people of all cultures and beliefs. Magic that calls for the best that human beings have to offer. Magic that causes the athletes of the world to soar and the rest of us to dream.
(Emphasis mine)


  1. Don't worry, alot of people are watching the olympics..We understand..
    As the song says, "Don't worry, Be Happy"

  2. Definitely understandable! I'm sleep-deprived normally, but the Olympics makes it that much worse! LOL!

    I have an award for you at my blog.

  3. Good for you! It is amazing. Enjoy the show, we'll still be here!

    That's a beautiful quote and so true. Wouldn't it be wonderful if it were always like that?

  4. I definitely understand watching the Olympics over doing other things. I'm doing that as we speak!

  5. I've got CTV on in the background at this very moment while I work.. lol.

  6. I am missing from my blog, too - but I can't blame it on the Olympics. I've just been settling into my new life, and blogging has a smaller place. Trying to sort that out...

    Have fun!


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