
Thursday, March 25, 2010


Well, I have an announcement to make. I hadn't decided when I was going to post this, but seeing as my brother spilled the beans in his blog post on Sunday** I guess it's time for me to share the news.

The reason I've been gone so much of the past few weeks is I've been working on a job application. This job application:

That's right. I'm going back to work at Walt Disney World this summer. Readers who have been with this blog since 2008 (and before) now that I started by Disney-related blog, Disney World Girl, to chronicle my adventures during my experiences of The Disney College Program. Well, now I've been invited back to participate in an alumni program from May to August this summer.

So what does this mean for you? Well, this will have a big impact on my blogging schedule, although I don't know how much. Last time I pretty much only did Disney blogging, and that took a lot of time. But I will try to keep up the book blogs this time too, because I did A LOT of reading last time around. So we'll see.

Meanwhile, I'm starting a new feature on that other blog to celebrate the countdown of my departure for Florida. It's called Ask a Cast Member, where you can ask me any Disney-related question you can think of. Head over to the introduction post to learn more, or you can jump straight to the form too.

Anyway, now you know what's going on. More news about this as it comes, although most of it will be on the other blog, so make sure you follow that one if you're interested.

**Incidentally if you visit my brother's blog, make sure you ooh and ah at the header. I made it myself using only Paint and I am very proud of it. :)


  1. How fun! I'll be checking out your other blog! :)

  2. Alyssa sounds really interesting and enjoy!!!

    jackie b central texas

  3. Congrats on the new, old job!!! Best wishes always!

  4. Good Luck in of my most favorite places on earth!!

  5. Congrats! Welcome back! Do you know where you're going to be working this time?

  6. Wow...that sounds like a fun job. When I was still in San Diego, I went to dland on a bi-monthly basis. And now its a yearly thing since i'm out of the country. But a few years ago, I was taking a picture with Woody and he knew me (he was writing info in the autograph book) but got taken away before I figured out who he was *sigh* Such a mystery to me.

    I hope the job will be tons of fun!!!


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