
Sunday, April 04, 2010

Judges Application for Book Battle 2010

Okay everyone. Here's where I need your help for the YA Bloggers Debut Book Battle 2010. I can't judge these things myself, so I need your help to act as judges!

Each judge will be required to read the two nominated books in their bracket, pick a winner, and then write an explanation that will be posted on your blog on the designated day (or if a non-blogger then emailed to me to post for you).

Judges do not need to be a blogger to participate, but if you are you will be asked to submit your blog link. Your blog should be somewhat established (older than 2 months) and must contain a reasonable amount of original content. You must also blog about Young Adult books (meaning you can blog about other things too, but you need to have posted about YA lit before).

So, ready to volunteer?

*Applications Now Closed*

If you a non-blogger and would like to participate, you will be asked to provide one or two review samples by email.

If more judges sign up then there are available spots then they will be chosen at random. I would like to have at least two judges for each bracket, so we'll see what we get.

Applications will be taken until April 18th, 2010. I got lots of enthusiasm for this project, so don't you all let me down now by not submitting an application. :)

By the way, have you submitted your nomination yet?

If you have questions, feel free to contact me at shadyglade(AT)mail(DOT)com.


  1. Do judges have to get ahold of the books by themselves (like buying it)?
    And I love your idea of a book battle :)

  2. Audrey,

    I will try my best to make sure everyone has a copy of the book (if people are willing to share/donate). But mostly judges will need to find the books on their own, yes. But you don't need to buy it necessarily. I'm a big fan of supporting your local library!

  3. This is really neat. I just signed up to judge. I'm going to mull over the nominations thing, too... :)


I love to hear from you! Please remember to keep everything nice. You are free to disagree with my ideas, but anything mean or backbiting will be deleted. This is a friendly blog, let's keep it that way!