
Monday, August 30, 2010

The Great Bookmark Swap

Just a quick update on my extended absence. The tech guy said this morning that they have to send someone to redo the cable (or something like that) so it looks like it's going to be a few more days (maybe even a week) before it's back to normal. Ugh. My blogoversary is this Wednesday but since it looks like I'm going to miss it, I'm planning a big giveaway as soon as I get back.

But onto the reason for this particular post. I'm on borrowed internet really quick (again) but since I got a lot of support for the idea of a bookmark swap in my post last week, I’ve decided that I’m going to give it a go.

So here’s the basic idea. Each member who participates in the swap will be responsible for sending out 5 bookmarks. Then as soon as everyone has gotten their packages mailed in, you will get a package in the mail back with 5 new bookmarks in it. They can be either store bought or handmade, it’s up to you. Packages need to be mailed by September 25th, which gives you three weeks-ish (in case you are making them). Registration to participate is $3 for US swappers, $4 for Canada and Mexico, and $5 for any other international participant (this is to cover return postage for your package back to you).

To limit the amount of space I spend on the blog on specifics, I’m going to do signups this way. I’ve created a form for you to sign up if you are interested in participating. This is not a commitment to participate, you are just indicating interest. After 1 week I will email those who have signed up with all the further details. From that point you can decide if you want to commit or not, and registration will be completed by email.

So if you think the swap sounds like fun, don’t forget to complete this form. And if you know anyone else (blogger or not) who likes bookmarks and may be interested, please spread the word. You can use the email button at bottom of the post to forward this to someone, or even post it on your blogs if you have one and would like to share.

Any questions? Leave ‘em in the comments or send me an email and I’ll get back to you ASAP. When my internet is working again anyway...

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