
Monday, October 04, 2010

It's Monday, What Are You Reading?

Well, today is Monday. For some in the blogosphere this means it's time for the "It's Monday, What Are You Reading?" meme. And while I'm not planning to participate in this regularly, I thought it would be interesting to today.

If you read Friday's post, you know that nominations opened at the Cybils site on Friday. Nominations are open until October 15th. As a round 1 judge I try to start reading the nominees on my panel (graphic novels this year) as soon as possible. But a lot of time it takes until about the 15th to get holds placed at the library for as many titles as I can.

So I have between now and the 15th (give or take a few days) to finish any other books before I submerge myself in pretty much nothing by graphic novels for two and a half months.

So this is my pile of books that I'm in the middle of reading, and would like to finish before the 15th rolls around:

(Yes, I'm one of those readers who can't stand to read a hardcover book with the dust jacket on because it might get damaged)

And if you think that wasn't bad enough, these are the book still left on the top of my To Be Read pile that I was hoping to have finished before the 15th:

So, what do you think? Can I make it? Guess we'll see. Now, if you'll excuse me, I obviously have some reading to do...


  1. wow, thats a lot of books. You must be a fast reader. I can only do two books a week if I am lucky. :( I wish I was faster because it would help a lot with all the books I have to read.

    I rearranged my TBR pile to make things more

  2. You can do it! I wish I had made the Cybils... but no such luck.. again. :( Maybe next year. I'm glad to say I nominated for every category! :-D Hope you get through all of those books!

  3. I have been in a reading slump lately I don't want to read anything. Good luck with your stack. I am the same, I always take off the dust jacket so I don't wrinkle it.

  4. Does anyone ever get to the bottom of a TBR pile.

  5. Looks like you've had a busy week of reading and another one ahead of you. Mostly I read picture books. Here's what I'm reading this week.

  6. Mary D
    zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com

    What an awesome stack of yummy books! Well, make sure you have a hot, steaming cup of latte or even flavored coffee to make the reading go by quicker lol

    And I think you can do it!

    ps - right now I'm in the middle of three books, and like a nut I picked up a new one today so that makes four. Thank God for bookmarks ;D


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