
Friday, November 26, 2010

Anyone Have These?

I'm looking for the below books as a Christmas present for a friend. Does anyone have these and want to trade? I have a bunch of 2011 ARCs including Unearthly, Once In A Full Moon, A Touch Mortal, and others, as well as a whole bunch of other paperbacks and hardcovers I can trade as well.

So if you have any of these, send me a email at shadyglade(AT)mail(DOT)com and I can send you a full list of what I have available to trade. ARCs might be okay too, so even if you only have an ARC copy, let me know.

Thanks for the help!

13 to Life by Shannon Delany
Angel Star by Jennifer Murgia
Another Faust by Daniel and Dina Nayeri
Blood Feud by Alyxandra Harvey
Dark Flame by Alyson Noël
Deadly Little Lies by Laurie Faria Stolarz
Fairy Tale by Cyn Balog
I Am Number Four by Pittacus Lore
Infinite Days by Rebecca Maizel
Nevermore by Kelly Creagh
Night Star Alyson Noël
Personal Demons by Lisa Desrochers
So Many Boys by Suzanne Young
The Dark Divine by Bree Despain
The Plague by Joanne Dahme


  1. Not a single one - I am sorry!
    Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust
    Twitter: @fangswandsfairy

  2. I sent you an email regarding 13 to Life and Another Faust :)

    I would give my The Dark Divine, but it's signed to me haha I doubt that works.

  3. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Sent you an e-mail!

  4. Mary D

    I wish I did, your list has many I'm searching for too LOL

  5. Sent you an email about Blood Fued and Infinite Days!

  6. I sent an email about two books. :)


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