
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bookmark Swaps: FAQs and How They Work

So you want to sign up for a Bookmark Swap at The Shady Glade? It's easy! Here's all the information you will need to sign up for a bookmark swap. Make sure you carefully read this entire post, and then return to the bookmark swaps signup page to get started.

If you have any questions about any swaps you can reach me with your questions at shadyglade(AT)mail(DOT)com (yes, it's "mail" and not "gmail" or "ymail" or anything else).

If you are not signing up at the moment but would like to be emailed when we're having swaps in the future, leave a comment on this post or send me an email and I will add you to my email list.

How Swaps Work

The idea of a bookmark swap is to share your love of bookmarks with other swappers. Each person will be responsible for mailing in 5 bookmarks and will get at least 5 bookmarks in return.

Please remember that the point of this is to have fun, not to be stressful/expensive to anyone. Handmade bookmarks don’t have to be perfect, but please remember that some of our swappers will be putting hours into creating something special. So let’s all create something memorable!

FAQs and Full Details (if a new participant, please read them all!)

How many bookmarks do I need to send?
You will be responsible for sending 5 bookmarks to the swap. They can be handmade or store bought, it’s up to you. In return, you will receive 5 brand new bookmarks in the mail.

What does it cost to sign up?
Registration is $3 for US swappers, $4 for Canada and Mexico, and $5 for any other international participant. This covers the cost of postage for a return package. Payment can be made via PayPal, or by cash in the mail at your own risk.

If I’ve done a swap before, can I do it again?
Sure! We’d love to have both new and returning swappers participate. Returning participants will have to pay the swap fee again (since it covers postage), but we’d love to have you join us again.

Do the bookmarks have to be handmade?
No. You can buy your 5 bookmarks if you don’t feel comfortable making your own.

Can I mail my package before the mailing deadline?
Sure! As soon as you’ve paid your registration fee you can send your bookmarks in anytime before the deadline. In fact, if everyone mails early then you’ll get your packages back early too. Just make sure it’s in the mail by the deadline.

What kind of bookmarks do I have to send?
Any kind you want. They can be paper, ribbon, beaded, fabric, clay, clips, anything you can think of. Remember that your handmade bookmarks don’t have to be perfect. A nicely laminated bookmark of your own design and printed from the computer is just as wonderful as a fancy ribbon or beaded bookmark. Let your imagination run wild and have fun with it!

Do “swag” or other advertising bookmarks count towards the 5?
Although swag bookmarks are fun, they do not count for this swap. You are more than welcome to include some swag in your package (and if you do you will probably also get some back) but you will still be required to contribute 5 other bookmarks to the swap.

Do I need to send my bookmarks via Priority mail?
This is up to you. You can if you want, but they are going to my post office box, which I don’t check every day. It might not be worth the extra money to send them expedited. Your new bookmarks will be shipped back to you by me via First Class Mail.

How many bookmarks will I receive in return?
You are guaranteed at least 5 bookmarks, the same number as you sent out. In the past we had some generous swappers who also included swag and extra bookmarks in their packages, so I was actually able to send more bookmarks back to people than they sent in. But this totally depends on what your fellow swappers send in. Either way, you will get 5 bookmarks no matter what.

What happens if my return package gets lost in the mail?
I will be acting as “angel” for this swap. This means that if anyone’s return package gets lost I will make sure you get a new package as a replacement. If anyone wants to add an additional bookmark or two to contribute to the “angel fund” then it is appreciated. And if not, that’s fine too.

What happens if I mail my package late?
If you have to mail your package late, please mail it as close to the deadline as possible. First send me an email to let me know to expect the package later. If I know in advance you’ll still be able to participate in the swap. If you mail you package late without telling me, it’s possible everything else will have been sent out before the package arrives and you won’t be able to participate in the swap.

When will I get my exchanged bookmarks back?
This partly depends on whether or not swappers mail their packages on time, and how many international participants we have. My goal is to get them back to you ASAP, so rest assured knowing that I will send them back as soon as I can.

What if I forget to mail something?
If you forget to mail either your bookmarks or your payment (if you signed up to do it by mail) then you might not get anything back in return. It entirely depends on what others send in. So don't forget anything!

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