
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Holiday Bookmark Swap: Inspiration (Part 7)

Today's one more installment of my continuing inspiration series for the upcoming Holiday Bookmark Swap. I hope all of you are having as much fun admiring the pretty bookmarks as I am. :) And in the chance that you may have missed some of the past inspiration posts, you can search using the bookmarks label to see more of the great bookmarks we've traded in the past.

Anyone who would like to sign up to participate in the swap, signups will still be open until November 24th. Visit the main post about the swap for information on how to sign up. Tomorrow is the last day to sign up, so don't miss out!

Here's today's inspiration:

Another good mix of both handmade and store bought. Isn't that wood one in the middle neat? The person who sent it in made it from the branches of trees in their orchards. It's super cool! And I love the other two too. So much fun stuff...


  1. I'm excited! I just packaged up my bookmarks to send off today, just have to go to the post office this afternoon or first thing tomorrow! :) And the wood bookmark...I've never seen anything like that before!

  2. Mary D

    I agree, the wooden bookmark is beautifully unique - I love it! :)


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