
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Is there a Secret Santa Out There?

So I have kind of an odd request. The past few years I've participated in the Book Blogger Holiday Swap as well as a few other Secret Santa swaps and I've had a lot of fun with it. I have a good friend who's also done the swap the last few years. But this year he missed the deadline for signups and was quite upset when he realized it.

So I'd like to surprise him with a Secret Santa present anyway. Would anyone be willing to be his Secret Santa? I can give you his wish list and if you could mail something to him (under $20) he would be so surprised. In return you give me your own wish list, and I'll send you a return surprise in the mail. So basically I'll be your Secret Santa if you be his. :)

If anyone is interested in making a kid's holiday a little brighter, send me an email at shadyglade(AT)mail(DOT)com. I'd be very, very, very grateful!


  1. shot ya a email and let him know if he wants to do a gift exchange i have an aunt as well who didnt get to sign up and would love to

  2. Hey, A!

    I don't know if you do LibraryThing or not, but they're having a Secret Santa swap where you pay $25, list your books, and then go all Secret Santa via Book Depository for someone else! Plus you can do this for someone NOT signed up for LT.

    Deadline is tomorrow at 8PM EST.

    Thought I'd pass it along :)


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