
Friday, December 31, 2010

An Event for the New Year?

Today is New Year's Eve, which means a new year starts tomorrow. This time every year I usually think a lot about my blogging in the past year. My best of 2010 posts will be coming in the next few days (I still have decisions to make on those) but I also did a lot of other things besides reading and reviewing this year that were a lot of fun. If I had to choose, I think this one was my absolute favorite:

It's the 2010 YA Bloggers Debut Battle. I got a lot of positive response from last year and I think I'd like to do it again. There's several changes I'd like to make to help things move more smoothly, but to incorporate them, I'm going to need a LOT of help. So if everyone can promise me that we'll get even more participation this year, I'll do it again.

So I could use everyone's help right away. One of the suggestions I got from multiple people on the feedback form I created at the end of last year's battle was changing the focus of our book battle. Last year the theme was Debut Novels from 2009 (and a little bit of 2010).

So I'm looking for ideas. We can do the debut thing again, or maybe focus on just one genre, or do any other idea or theme you can think about.

If you have even a small idea, you could really help me out by suggesting it in the comments below, or if it's easier for you, using the form at the end of this post. I'm not going to beg for help at this point (plenty of time for that as the battle progresses) but we could use some ideas for an awesome theme.


  1. Anonymous1:58 PM

    My new year's check the Shady Glade everyday and read at least 10 Waiting on Wednesday books. :)

  2. Happy New Year. Hope 2011 is an auspicious year for you.

  3. I dropped a few ideas, hope it helps.


I love to hear from you! Please remember to keep everything nice. You are free to disagree with my ideas, but anything mean or backbiting will be deleted. This is a friendly blog, let's keep it that way!