
Friday, March 04, 2011

1000 posts? Wow!

So I totally just noticed that this is my 1010th post.  I totally missed the 1000 post mark without even thinking!  So much for planning ahead. 

I also notice that I'm approaching 600 followers.  When we get there we'll have a big contest celebrating both milestones.  Of course, my 5th year blogoversary with be up in September as well, so maybe I'll wait a little longer and have a super huge contest then.  Guess we'll see.  :)

Thanks to all of you readers out there who keep following and reading this blog.  I couldn't have done it without you. 


  1. Congratulations! :-) Have a nice weekend.

  2. Congratulations, too!! Wow - 1000+ posts is quite the accomplishment - proud for you (I thought I was doing good to hit a hundred lol).

    Love your website and always enjoy what you have to say - :D

  3. Wow, you have so many big milestones you're reaching/coming up on.

    And 5 years! That's incredible :D


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