
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Are You Ready to Battle? We Need a Theme!

For those who are new to the blog, by far one of the best events I participated in during 2010 was the Debut Book Battle I organized last summer.  It was a lot of work, but also was a lot of fun.  I've had lots of readers ask if I would do it again this year, and despite the huge amount of work it was, I'm happy to announce the battle is back by popular demand! 
So back in January I asked for suggestions for the theme of this years battle.  (By the way, thank you to everyone who submitted suggestions.)  Based on the responses I got, I've narrowed it down to the following options. 

So now, I need everyone to vote on a battle theme!  To vote simply fill out the form below.  It just takes a minute, so even if you don't normally do things like this, I'm counting on you to participate this once.  :)  I am asking that everyone vote just once for your favorite idea, so I'm asking for email address to track the entries.  Don't worry, they will be deleted as soon as the poll closes. 

Whatever theme wins will determine the amount of volunteers I need to help, and how the judging processes will proceed, so this step is very important. 

Poll will close on Sunday, March 20th, so vote now!  Meanwhile, I will be calling for volunteers soon too, so keep your eyes on the blog for more of that coming soon. 

Here are descriptions of all the choices if you need them.  The form to vote can be found underneath. 

Best Book of the Decade - This battle will involve nominating your favorite books published in the last 10 years, from 2001 to 2010.  Which book will be the best of the best in the last 10 years?

Best Overlooked/Underappreciated Book - You know those books that you absolutely love, but never seem to get the amount of attention they deserve?  This battle will bring those books their deserved time in the spotlight, where each one will fight for it's spot in the top ranks.   

Best Debut Author of 2010 - For those of you who liked last year's battle the way it was, this is the option for you.  For this battle, nominated works from debut authors published in 2010 will duke it out to be named champion. 

Read-alike Versus Battles - This idea will shake up the bracket system used last year.  Instead, books will be nominated in read-alike pairs.  Vampire Academy VS. House of Night, Hush Hush VS. Fallen, etc. you pick two very similar books to battle it out to see which is the best of the pair.  One winner will be declared for each pair, so for this battle, no ultimate winner will be chosen. 

Best of the Genre - In this battle, books will be broken up by genre to battle for the best of their kind in 2010.  What was the best fantasy published last year?  Best historical?  Best parnormal? 
So there you have it.  Don't forget to choose your favorite by filling out the form below:

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