
Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Tech Help Please!

So I need some tech help from those of you out there who use Blogger. Pretty much everything I do with my blog is self-taught so I could use your help on this one.

For those of you who blog on Blogger, I have a question about using longstanding graphics. I'm thinking of those who use graphics for the review ratings, or if you have a picture for a regular feature like In My Mailbox or Waiting on Wednesday. How do you insert the graphic into your posts?

In the past in these situations I've just copy and pasted from another post with the same graphic. But it's a little clunky since I have to have 2 or 3 tabs open to do the new post. Is there an easier way to set it up, a shortcut of some kind? Or is that pretty much it? I don't want to upload it every single time I do a new post, since it takes up room in my blog storage, but is that the way I should go?

If you have any suggestions, tips, tricks, explanations, etc. for me, it would be very much appreciated!



  1. Oh! This is actually really simple to answer :)

    I'm assuming since you just copy and pasted in the past you didn't mess with the html mode for drafting posts, just did the visual (meaning you click 'bold' and the word is bolded, not surrounded by coding).

    On the line where the bold/italics/etc is you should see a little blue and white rectangle, kind of like a picture frame. Click on that and it will give you SEVERAL options.

    If you've uploaded before to the blog the second option will list out the pictures you've uploaded and you can load directly from that. If not the first option is the option to load from your computer. There's also the options to load from a webpage or from Picasa...but that's more trouble then its worth in my opinion.

    Once you upload it if you hover over the picture options to align it will pop up, to re-size it, or add a caption.

    Once you upload it once, it will always appear in that second choice on the insert picture screen.

    Did that help?

  2. For my reviews, I have set graphics, but they're pretty small. For all the other stuff, like book covers, etc., I don't upload the picture -- I go to the website where I found the pic, and just copy the link to it. :)

  3. A lot of people have signatures that show up at the bottom of every post, and that is coded in to the layout some how (ask me not how), and so it doesn't have to be added.

  4. i totally love your logo with all the books at the top!! new follower!

    follow me too!

  5. Honestly, I do upload EVERY time I post a graphic. It's been something I've been meaning to (maybe) change as I probably should worry about space. I do plan on removing graphics - such as book covers - from reviews and such once they are 2 years old.

    If it's a graphic you have posted to your blog once before you can use the Add Images "From This Blog" option. I sometimes have a hard time finding the image I'm looking for since there isn't much order to the images but it's worth it if you are worried about space.

    Also, you can check your Blogger Picasa account and weed out any graphics you 'uploaded' but never used or have since deleted. Might help with space issues.

    Hope that helps a little!

  6. I just did a check and even with uploading every graphic every time I post it, I'm still only using 5% of my Picasa account. Been blogging since July 2009 so I'm not too worried (yet!)


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