
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursdays are Book Battle Days

In order to facilitate those of you who read the blog, but don't necessarily subscribe and get the updates daily, I'm instituting a new organization. 

From now until the battle picks up a bit, Thursdays are Book Battle Days.  I will use my Thursday posts to explain procedures, give updates, information, etc. regarding the upcoming book battle.  Today, for example, is the closing of the poll to choose the battle theme.  Voting will close at noon, there will be an explanation of the judging process posted sometime after that, and the winning theme will be announced tonight at 5:00. 

The exceptions to the Thursday standard will be the call for volunteers post (which will go up Friday), and any other miscellaneous mini updates or reminders that are important enough to be posted right away.

Nominations will open next Thursday, so make sure you come back for that!

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