
Monday, May 02, 2011

Meet the 2011 Round 1 Judges: Part 2

Hey Book Battle Fans! 

Our Round 1 Judges have finished their frantic reading and have turned in their Top 10s.  So while I'm busy the next few days tallying up their decisions and organizing brackets, here's a chance to get to know a few more of the judges better.  If you missed the first Meet the Judges post, you can find it here

And now, some more of the totally amazing people who made this battle possible:

Pam from Bookalicious:
Pam blogs at Bookalicious and partners with her indie for events. Her house is an every growing grey goo of books. She lives in Northern California with her Dutch husband, her two kids and her awesome dog Jackie. When not blogging Pam can be found at the beach reading, baking horrendously ugly cupcakes or putting together an event for bloggers to get to know each other better. Pam believes she has gotten very good at speaking about herself in the third person.

Kristen from Bookworming in the 21st Century (Kristen is another return judge this year!):
Kristen is an Elementary School Media Specialist as well as a YA Book Blogger. She has a wonderful and supportive husband who deals with her obsession with books, even if he constantly complains of tripping over stacks of them and claims she has a serious problem. When Kristen took her hubby to the library to get all of these book battle books, he asked what she was thinking and she only responded that it was for "a blog thing" and he just nodded his head. Kristen was a strange little girl who played school and library with her older sister and had a card catalog system on notecards and would pretend to check out all of her books. While her older sister was always the teacher, Kristen was always the librarian. I guess she knew then that she couldn't grow up and do anything else that didn't involve books.

Andrea from Loud Words and Sounds (Andrea also designed our blog button this year):
I'm a high school senior actively involved in the music department and many other organizations at my school. Other than loving to read and play clarinet, I love writing and I'm currently working on a paranormal book called Conversions. When I decided to start blogging I wasn't sure what to do or who to follow, and then I found some blogs that helped me through the beginning process. And now here Loud Words and Sounds is (even if I'm going through a lull period right now because of personal reasons). It basically features YA and sometimes both Manga and Adult books, but also music too! I plan on majoring in both Business Administration and Secondary Education when I move into the college dorms of a beautiful campus this fall so that I can teach Applied Technology later on in life. I love the idea of this years battle because I know some very great books that are always over looked, and one of my favorites is on the master list too! I can't wait to see what the Round Two Judges do with the list they're given!

Erika from Moonlight Book Reviews:
Hello everyone! My name is Erika and my book blog is Moonlight Book Reviews. I love reading and have been in trouble by multiple teachers for reading in class. I currently have a TBR pile that is taller than me, and I am running out of shelf space. I am seventeen and a Junior in High School. I live in Michigan where the weather is unpredictable. For example last week the temperature was 60 Monday, and there was 5 inches of snow on Wednesday! The YA Book Battle Best Overlooked Book, is such a phenomenal topic. For there are a lot of books out there that in my opinion need more attention for they are AMAZING! So I am thrilled and enjoying my time as a Round 1 judge!!

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