
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Time Is Running Out to Vote

Voting for the 2011 Book Battle Reader's Choice Awards ends tomorrow at midnight!  If you haven't already, please take a few minutes to submit your votes.  There's been few enough votes that things are really split right now, so more participation is badly needed!

Remember, you don't have to vote on all the awards.  Even if you haven't read any of the nominees, you can still vote on those such as Best Cover Art or Most Unique Premise, etc.  If anyone has any problems with the form, please email me at shadygladeATmailDOTcom to let me know.

So please, make sure you let your voice be heard!  This is the first year I've done Reader's Choice and I want them to be a success.  And, as I hinted yesterday, it might just pay off for you next month...

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