
Saturday, September 03, 2011

Blogoversary Theme

So as I was working on getting the last of things organized for the celebration this month, I realized I neglected to mention something.  Just in case the selection of posts over the next month seems random, it really isn't.  I've put a lot of thought into what's happening this month, and decided to unify the posts with an overall general theme.

The theme for this month is "my favorite things".  Kinda corny, I know.  But really, reaching milestones makes me do a lot of reflecting.  And what better things to share than those that are my favorites? So in addition to some great guest posts (from some of my favorite bloggers) and a few new features, this month will be focused on my favorite things about blogging, reading, books, authors, etc.

I know not a lot is going on yet, and I hope you'll bear with me for  few days.  There's still a lot to organize, and did I mention my brother is going off to college next week?  Life's busy as always.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Favorite things sounds great to me :D

    MY favorite things - why, BOOKS of course lol


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