
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Guest Post: Mariah from A Reader's Adventure

I'm happy to have another great guest post today.  Please help me in welcoming Mariah from A Reader's Adventure to the blog.  You may recognize her name, she's been a judging staple of the book battles these past two years.  As we wrap up the Christmas season (and I'm STILL sick, can you believe it?) Mariah's agreed to share one of her favorite traditions.  So take it away Mariah!  

Family traditions are a big part of the holidays. Now my family does not have very many, it’s just my immediate family and I who come together to celebrate Christmas. We do the typical thing, unwrapping presents, Christmas dinner, that whole thing. But we also do something special.

Ever since I can remember my family has made a special Christmas breakfast. We don’t make it any other time of the year which makes it very special. Part of the fun is making it!

After we unwrap our gifts and my parents get their coffee we turn on some Christmas music and then all sit down and unwrap caramels which usually takes about 30 minutes. It’s a fun chance to talk and just enjoy each other’s company. Then we melt the caramels with some evaporated milk until they are creamy. The caramel is then poured into a pan and covered with pecans. Finally that mixture is covered with some store-bought biscuits and baked until the biscuits are done.

We then eat them and the extra are left on the counter so people can eat them all day long. It’s a really fun tradition that I will forever connect with Christmas!

What are some of your holiday traditions?

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