
Saturday, February 25, 2012

I Did It! All Finished!

Wahoo!  It took nearly 8 hours of packaging, wrapping, taping, addressing (and $60 of postage) but I am 100% caught up on sending out prizes.  Actually, most of them went out on Wednesday of this week, but for some reason my computer decided to hate Blogger and this is the first time I've been able to come on and post about it. 

In other news, while I haven't been able to post, I HAVE been able to get some reading done.  Which is a nice change, since even finding time to read is hard these days since I'm so exhausted when I get home from work.  Too many books, too little time and all that. 

So those of you who I owe a prize too, look in your mailboxes because they should be coming soon!  And hopefully I'll get lucky and Blogger will cooperate with my computer so I can get a couple other posts up this week. 

Starting the 4th, I will be in Disneyland for a couple days, so don't expect a lot of updates then. :)  But I do want to try and get a few posts up in the coming week, just to help ease me back into the habit of blogging. 

Thanks for sticking through this with me.  You are the greatest!


  1. I already got mine -- thanks so much!! =)

  2. Anonymous8:17 AM

    I got mine too - lots of contented readers in the house now. J

  3. I got mine too! Thanks so much and feel better. Enjoy Disney too!


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