
Tuesday, May 01, 2012

2012 Book Battle Nominations Open!

Welcome to the Nominations Page for the 2011 YA Bloggers Debut Battle! This is the place where you can nominate the book YOU think should win the battle.

 As chosen by readers, our theme this year is:

Retold Fairy Tales

For the purposes of this battle, the definition of a "retold fairy tale" is a book that re-imagines or gives new life to a fairy tale, legend, or myth. This can also encompass books that combine more than one "traditional" tale, even if these are blended to create their new story.  The winner of this battle will be a book that breathes new life into an old favorite by being its own story, but still pays tribute to the original story.

Your nominations should follow these requirements:

  1. It must be first published in English between January 1st, 2001 and December 31st, 2011. Reissues do not count if the book was first published before 2001.
  2. It must be either Young Adult (or middle grade with strong teen appeal). 
  3. It must be a retold fairy tale/myth/legend, or combination thereof.  
  4. Only books that are first in a series are allowed.  EXCEPTION: If you're book is a later part of the series but can stand on its own (like the Once Upon A Time Series), it can count.
  5. It must not be a nominee from a previous battle (if you'd like to double check, please let me know)

So, do you have a book that retells your favorite story? Fill Out the Form to place it on the nomination list.

You may nominate up to 2 different titles. If you are a teacher or librarian submitting nominations for your students (we've had a few do this in past years), please let me know in the comments section on the form so I don't delete them.  Email addresses will ONLY be used to track entries and will be deleted as soon as the nomination period is over. As a reminder, please DO NOT leave your nominations in the comments! They won't count unless you use the form.

Nominations will be open until Wednesday, May 16th (unless announced otherwise). All books nominated will be screened to check that they are eligible, then passed along to our Round 1 Judges. Round 1 will narrow down the books for brackets, and our Round 2 Judges will get started in early June. If you'd like more explanation about how the judging process works, check out this post.

 If you have any questions, feel free to email me at shadyglade(AT)mail(DOT)com.

Now, nominate away! And we still have volunteer spots open too!


  1. Only two??? Oh, grr. I'm going to try for a couple of lesser known stories and leave the new and popular ones to others. :)

  2. Haha, yes, only two. :) I learned my lesson in the first year of doing this when it was unlimited (LOL).

    You can, however, plug for your other favorites on your blog (or in our Goodreads group) for someone else to nominate if they haven't used up their own slots.

  3. It's funny - two sounds so little, yet when I sit to nominate them I get stuck. Crazy! But I think I came up with two really great nominations that I hope will make it far.

    Is it okay to say which ones I nominated? If not, feel free to delete this comment Alyssa! :)

    I nominated The Scorpio Races (OMG, possibly one of my favorite books now, which is saying something) and Don't Expect Magic (so surprisingly touching!).

    My fingers are crossed that they are "retelling" enough!

    Let the battle begin!

  4. Oh man, picking 2's gonna be hard! How can we check to make sure they've not been nominated before?

    ((Thanks to Lieder Madchen for the heads-up about this! Too fun!))

  5. YAY!! i love this theme!!! I have my two ready I think!!!


I love to hear from you! Please remember to keep everything nice. You are free to disagree with my ideas, but anything mean or backbiting will be deleted. This is a friendly blog, let's keep it that way!