
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Nominations Now Closed!

So, it's a little later than I anticipated, but nominations for the 2012 Book Battle are now closed.  Last weekend was my dad's birthday and unfortunately my allergies have been TERRIBLE this year (lots and lots of headaches this season) that kept me away I little longer than I thought I would be.  Sad how real life gets in the way of blogging.  :(  But never fear, for we shall press on!

I'm currently sorting through all the nominated titles and getting Round 1 judges assigned, and will be posting the long list (hopefully) in the next few days.  So although nominations are closed, we still have spots open for judging, as I can add partners to the Round 2 brackets as we go.  So if you know anyone who might want to be a judge and hasn't volunteered yet, feel free to jump in.  Full details about that are here.  

Meanwhile, if you've volunteered to be a judge, look for an email from me soon.  And I will be announcing the winners for the linking contest soon as well.

Onward and upward!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Contest Extended!

Due to some great feedback I've gotten from others, the linking contest for the battle has been extended until Wednesday! 

Also, nominations will now close Friday the 18th to accomodate the new contest deadline. 

Keep linking everyone!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Book Battle: The Great Linking Weekend Giveaway

The close of nominations for the 2012 YA Bloggers Fairy Tale Book Battle is approaching soon, and we still need a few more volunteers and nominations for the battle this year. So to encourage those of you who haven’t participated yet, I’ve created:
The Great Linking Weekend Giveaway!
Want to win a book from your wish list? Of course you do!  Because we can always use more books. :)  I will be giving away this as a prize* to 2 very lucky winners.
It’s very easy to enter:

First, you need to nominate a book and/or sign up as a volunteer judge part of the battle. If you’ve already done either step, you’ve already qualified.

 Then, you need to come back to this post (the giveaway post) and leave me a comment with this information:
  • Your email address (or another way to contact you)
  • What you did (nominated a book or signed up the judge or both)
  • Where you heard about the battle (who referred you)
Make sure you include ALL of that information in your comment. Incomplete entries will be deleted and you’ll have enter again. If you don’t want to/can’t comment, please send your entry to me via email to shadyglade(AT)mail(DOT)com (yes that’s just “mail” not gmail, ymail, hotmail, etc.).

 One lucky commenter will win a book of their choice! So where’s the other prize come from? Well, there’s another part to the contest. So if you want to double your chances, here’s what you need to do.

The idea behind this contest is to spread the word through links. So first you will need to blog, tweet, facebook, link, email, etc about the contest. You can also grab the button in the right sidebar (over there ------>) and post it on your blog/website/whatever. If you choose to link, make sure you to this contest post directly.

 That’s all you have to do to double your chances! When others follow your link and enter the contest, you will automatically be entered one time for the second prize (they will have to give your name as the referral). The person who refers the most people to the contest will win the second part. So the more you link, the greater your chances are. ;)

 Depending on how many entries we get, I may toss in a few other random winners as well. I have a stack of fairy tale themed books that I’m planning to give out at some point during the battle, so why not now? If anyone has any questions, please ask. This contest will run until Monday, May 14th. Extended until May 16th!

 Let the linking frenzy begin!

 *Winners will win a book of my choice from their wish list valued at $15 or under. Book may be gently used or new.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

2012 Book Battle: We have a Button!

Well it's official! We now have a graphic for the 2012 Book Battle. What do you think? It took me a looong time to make this, so sorry for the delay, but I had to wrestle with my computer quite a bit to get to it. (stupid technology...)

So here's where I need all of your help.  It's time to help spread the word about the battle. We still really need volunteers to judge as well as nominations. So if you have a blog, website, twitter, facebook, or whatever, please post about the battle or pass on the news to your friends who you think might be interested. I've made the button available for everyone to grab, it will be over in the right sidebar if anyone wants the code.

And (hint hint) there will be a contest coming up this weekend for those who want to link and would like to win a prize for doing so. So come back in a day or two for more details on that. :)

So without further ado, here's the code for the button if you'd like to grab it (also available in the sidebar):

<center><a href=""><img src="" /></a></center>

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

2012 Book Battle Nominations Open!

Welcome to the Nominations Page for the 2011 YA Bloggers Debut Battle! This is the place where you can nominate the book YOU think should win the battle.

 As chosen by readers, our theme this year is:

Retold Fairy Tales

For the purposes of this battle, the definition of a "retold fairy tale" is a book that re-imagines or gives new life to a fairy tale, legend, or myth. This can also encompass books that combine more than one "traditional" tale, even if these are blended to create their new story.  The winner of this battle will be a book that breathes new life into an old favorite by being its own story, but still pays tribute to the original story.

Your nominations should follow these requirements:

  1. It must be first published in English between January 1st, 2001 and December 31st, 2011. Reissues do not count if the book was first published before 2001.
  2. It must be either Young Adult (or middle grade with strong teen appeal). 
  3. It must be a retold fairy tale/myth/legend, or combination thereof.  
  4. Only books that are first in a series are allowed.  EXCEPTION: If you're book is a later part of the series but can stand on its own (like the Once Upon A Time Series), it can count.
  5. It must not be a nominee from a previous battle (if you'd like to double check, please let me know)

So, do you have a book that retells your favorite story? Fill Out the Form to place it on the nomination list.

You may nominate up to 2 different titles. If you are a teacher or librarian submitting nominations for your students (we've had a few do this in past years), please let me know in the comments section on the form so I don't delete them.  Email addresses will ONLY be used to track entries and will be deleted as soon as the nomination period is over. As a reminder, please DO NOT leave your nominations in the comments! They won't count unless you use the form.

Nominations will be open until Wednesday, May 16th (unless announced otherwise). All books nominated will be screened to check that they are eligible, then passed along to our Round 1 Judges. Round 1 will narrow down the books for brackets, and our Round 2 Judges will get started in early June. If you'd like more explanation about how the judging process works, check out this post.

 If you have any questions, feel free to email me at shadyglade(AT)mail(DOT)com.

Now, nominate away! And we still have volunteer spots open too!