
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday: Spies and Prejudice

For this week, I'm taking you into the world of contemporary YA.  I know, shock and gasp!  And yes, this one has already been published as well.  It actually came out June 11, the same day as last week's posting.  But I think you'll agree that this one looks interesting.

Spies and Prejudice by Talia Vance
About the Book:  Fields’ Rule #1: Don’t fall for the enemy.

Berry Fields is not looking for a boyfriend. She’s busy trailing cheaters and liars in her job as a private investigator, collecting evidence of the affairs she’s sure all men commit. And thanks to a pepper spray incident during an eighth grade game of spin the bottle, the guys at her school are not exactly lining up to date her, either.

So when arrogant—and gorgeous—Tanner Halston rolls into town and calls her “nothing amazing,” it’s no loss for Berry. She’ll forget him in no time. She’s more concerned with the questions surfacing about her mother’s death.

But why does Tanner seem to pop up everywhere in her investigation, always getting in her way? Is he trying to stop her from discovering the truth, or protecting her from an unknown threat? And why can’t Berry remember to hate him when he looks into her eyes?

With a playful nod to Jane Austen, Spies and Prejudice will captivate readers as love and espionage collide.

There's just something about a good spy book.  Or a good spy movie.  Don't know what it is, but they rock (if done right).  And add in a little Jane Austen?  I'm hooked.

By the way, if you like spy books and you haven't tried Ally Carter's Gallagher Girl series yet, where have you been?  You really, really need to try them.  They're very good.  Seriously.  I recommend them highly.  A high school for proper spy ladies?  I know it sounds weird but just trust me on this one.  That is, if you haven't tried them yet.  :)

Currently available for purchase from in  Hardcover  or  Kindle
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  1. Great pick! I really enjoyed this one, especially since I love Veronica Mars (and this one pulled in all the goodness of that show).

  2. I've been wanting to read Spies and Prejudice, it sounds interesting. I agree that if you like spy books you really need to read the Gallagher Girl series, it's my favorite!

  3. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Anything vaguely related to Pride and Prejudice gets a thumbs up at my house - here is a modern day spy genre on Pride and Prejudice and there is also a Pride and Prejudice based mysteries "Being a Jane Austen Mystery" by Stephanie Barron. Has anyone out there read any of these?

  4. I've sadly heard mixed things about this one but with the Austen hook, I won't be able to resist picking it up!

  5. I just picked up the first one of those Jane Austen mysteries... Scargrave Manor or something like that. Haven't given it a try yet, but it looks interesting!


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