
Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday: Rose

So this is another recent release WoW post.  But there is some future pubs coming up, I promise!  This was actually published in 2009 in the UK (according to Goodreads) but this is the first time it's come to American shores.
Rose (Rose #1) by Holly Webb

About the Book (copy from "Rose isn't like the other orphans at St Bridget's Home for Abandoned Girls. Instead of dreaming of getting adopted by loving, wealthy parents, Rose wants to get a job and be independent. She doesn't need anyone but herself. She finds her escape working as a maid for Mr. Fountain, an alchemist. Unable to ignore the magic that flows throughout the grand residence, Rose realizes that just maybe; she might have a little bit of magic in her too. This new series featuring magicians, witches, talking cats, mist-monsters, and friendships will have young readers in a trance!"

Not much detail from that description, but I'm very intrigued anyway.  You know I'm a sucker for anything vaguely Victorian themed, so this one is right up my alley.  Since it has magic and stuff too.  It's also the first of a series, which will be good news if this turns out to be as good as it looks.  So go buy a copy so it does well and we get the rest of the books here in the US too!

And since I can never resist talking about covers, what do you think of it?  I think it's a little weird.  I love the house in the background, but Rose looks a little strange to me for some reason.  Love the cat on the fence though.  So cute and fluffy!  On the other hand, I don't think the UK cover is all that great either (pictured here on left).  I like pink, but this is a little overkill, don't you think?  I like the title treatement a little better though.  More Victorian-ish looking, although the US title treatment is not bad.  And again, she looks weird in the UK cover (eyes are too big or too far apart or something).  But I suppose not every book can have the perfect cover.  I really need to work on not judging a book by it's cover, which worked in this case because I added it to my Goodreads "want to read" shelf before the cover was posted.  

Rose (Rose #1) was published yesterday, September 3rd.  

Available at in Paperback or Kindle
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1 comment:

  1. I love the pink on the UK cover but the American one seems to fit the story better. I think this sounds really cute!


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