
Sunday, October 06, 2013

Don't Forget to Nominate!

Sorry things have been a little sparse around here lately.  I've found it just a bit difficult to get back to hobby things after losing Greysen a few weeks ago.  But life goes on and things are slowly returning to normal. 

I've been out of it enough that I've forgotten to remind everyone to make sure you nominate your favorite books of 2013 for this year's Cybils.  Pretty much any book published between 10/16/12 and 10/15/2013 for children, middle grade, or YA is eligible. 

Head over to the Cybils site for all the details, and to nominate your favorites.  You have just over a week (until October 15th) to get those votes in!

And please, if anyone knows of a good YA non-fiction title published this year, make sure you nominate it! As I mentioned before, that's my category, and we're a little sparse on books.  :)

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