
Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Goodreads Best Books of 2013

One of the things you're bound to see this time of year as we come to a close is "Best Of" lists.  And books are no exception of course.  I'm participating in the Cybils again this year, which is sort of a cross between the Newberrys and the Webby Awards (popularity meets literary merit). 

One of the things I look forward to every year is voting on the Goodreads Choice Awards. Now, these are pure popularity.  The winners were recently announced and it's made me realize something: I really don't like most popular books.  Sure, I enjoyed Twilight and Hunger Games, and Harry Potter are some of my favorites, but beyond that, the books that seem to be popular are not the one I'm drawn to.  Interesting. 

In some ways, I'm not really sure why I look forward to the Goodreads Choice Awards, because the books I pick almost never win.  Okay, one did this year, the Jim Henson book in History.  Which I actually haven't even read, but just picked because I love Jim Henson.  And come to think of it, if lots of other people do the same thing I do (just pick books they recognize) then perhaps that's why the popular books are the ones that always win.  Hmmmm...

Anyway, if you'd like to see the books Goodreads members chose as the best books for 2013, head over to the awards page on the Goodreads site.  You can also look at past year winners too. 

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