
Friday, April 25, 2014

Kindle Deals: Janette Rallison

I'm still busy moving, but this is a feature I've been wanting to start for awhile, and there's an opportunity to share some of my favorite books today, so here goes.

I'm really in love with my Kindle lately.  And one of the great things is that you can get books for a lot cheaper than you can print books.  And although I still love print books, sometimes my pocketbook wins the battle.

I know there's lots of sites out there that you can go to for Kindle Deals.  But as I come across them, I'm going to post some of my own here.  Today there are two titles from one of my favorite authors, Janette Rallison on sale for $1.99 each:

These books are especially great if you like fairy tales.  Don't know how long this deal will last (normally they're $6.99 each) so check them out while you can!

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