
Sunday, January 28, 2007

Review: BabyMouse: Beach Babe

Here's another Cybils nominee, and this one made it to the shortlist too!

Babymouse: Beach Babe by Jennifer & Matthew Holm

School is out, and our favorite graphic novel heroine, BabyMouse, is off to the beach! Whether laying in the sun, building sandcastles, or tacking the latest waves on her surfboard, BabyMouse is having a blast. And when there’s nothing else to do, she uses her excellent imagination to keep her occupied. But how is a mouse supposed to have fun when her baby brother is hanging around?

Filled with cute, black-and-white illustrations accented with pink, this graphic novel is perfect for younger readers. Not only does it keep readers interested, but it has several positive underlying messages as well. And, hey, I’m a young adult, and it kept me interested. If you’re looking for fast, cute, read (especially one to share with a younger family member) than Beach Babe is the way to go!

Shady Glade Rating: 9/10

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