
Monday, January 29, 2007

Review: Oddly Enough

Oddly Enough by Bruch Coville

This is Bruce Coville’s first collection of short stories. Although some of these have been previously published in other anthologies, this book is worth reading just to have them all in one spot. These stories deal with the unusual and bizarre: from monsters and werewolves to unicorns, elves, brownies and so much more! My favorite story is called “The Language of Blood” which tells the story of a vampire who must save his country by ritually drinking blood. It sounds creepy, but trust me it really isn’t. I also like “Duffy’s jacket” where a monster visits Andrew, Marie and their cousin Duffy, but not for the reason you think.

This is a wonderful collection of short stories. Full of magic, believable characters, humor and suspense, this is definitely a book you don’t want to miss! I recommend it to everyone I know and my copy has been worn out with all the re-readings. With such a wide variety, you’ll find at least one you love, although I’ve found many more!

Shady Glade Rating: 10/10!

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