
Sunday, July 01, 2007

July Contest!

Congrats to everyone who submitted to last month's contest. And now, for something new! This month's prize is an ARC copy of by The Perfect Distanceby Kim Ablon Whitney. If you'd like to know what's what with this month's prize, you can check out my friend Kim's review over at YABC.

To enter send an email to with the subject line: JULY 2007 CONTEST, by July 30th, 2007. Please include your name, your country, a valid email address and the answer to this question:

What is your favorite animal and why?
One (1) lucky winner will be selected from all entries involved. Remember, answers DO count!

You can read offical rules here, but they boil down to this: Open to all US and Canada residents, entries must be recieved by deadline and have all required parts to qualify. Anyone under 13 needs a parent's permission to participate. Please don't try to find legal loopholes in my contest rules, because I am a poor college student with no money, and you won't get anything if you try and come after me! :-) Any questions can reach me by email, or by posting a comment below. Good luck everyone!

*REMINDER* I've now got prizes lined up for a few contests, but I still need entries. Please email me if you have something you'd like to donate, even if it's just a single copy of a new/near new book. Thank you!

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