
Tuesday, July 03, 2007

June Winner & more news!

Okay, so I know this post is a day late, but things have been a little crazy with the holiday coming up. :-) So without further ado....

The winner of June's contest, and the copy of A Circle of Three is Mary Lee from A Year of Reading. Congrats! Her entry stated that her favorite kind of summer reading was catch-up reading. I couldn't agree more. There is no better time to get caught up on those excellent books you've missed out on because of busy schedules.

For those of you who didn't win, why not try entering July's contest for a second chance? Details can be found here.

Also, stay tuned for a super-huge announcement in the next few days. I've decided to start my own summer challenge, and this will be one you'll want to see!

That's all for now. Happy 4th everyone!

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