
Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sunday News

Whew! It's been a long week. But it's been nice and cool here in sunny CA this week, and I finally got my hands on Harry Potter, so it hasn't been too bad.

On my blog round-up this afternoon, I happend to find this lovely post over at BookMoot. To those of you who've wondered where all the reviews on this blog have gone, go read this! This is so much my life right now. I simply haven't had time to review all the wonderful books I've read this summer. I'm hoping I might have a little more writing time once I start school next month. (I realize this seems a little contradictive, but I really do seem to have more time at school. Go figure.) I've been (dare I say it?) lax on my reviewing lately, but I promise to get better!

Also coming up soon as some idea starters for the Summer Writing Challenge. If you haven't yet, you should check out the prizes because they will be awesome.

And in other words, I just found out about Becoming Jane, a movie which was, apparently, released 2 days ago and I had absolutely no idea about. Anne Hathaway stars as Jane Austen in this one, from what I gather, it's supposed to be a bit of a biography. Has anyone else heard about this one? It took me completely by surprise!

That's all the news for now. Look out for those ideas coming later (maybe tonight)!

1 comment:

  1. From what I've heard so far, Becoming Jane is wonderful. I haven't been to see it yet, but will, shortly.


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