
Thursday, March 20, 2008

Random Subject: Podcasts

Okay, so this isn’t really book related necessarily…but it can be!

I recently discovered the joy of podcasts. Okay, so it was really this summer, but I thought I had posted this ages ago. Obviously it never made it. Anyway…

If you don’t know what podcasts are, they are like mini radio or audio clips that can be downloaded to your computer and MP3 players (like an iPod) for you to listen to at youre leisure. That probably isn’t the best definition, since these programs can vary so widely in their content (ANYONE can make these!), so if you’re still confused you should probably go Google a definition.

My brother introduced me to the world of podcasts. For those of you who read this blog regularly, you know how much of a Disney fan I am. Brandon (my brother) introduced me to a podcast called Inside the Magic. This show is a purely Disney-related podcast, and it’s really great. Well, once I got started I couldn’t stop. You’d be amazed at what you can find out there. There was even a Podcast Audio Tour available to people when we went to view the Post Parade viewing of the Tournament of Roses Parade floats in January. Very cool!

A lot of these are available from iTunes for free. You don’t even need to have an iPod to download or listen to podcasts. I do have one, which makes it even more fun since I can listen to shows when I’m walking uphill to class and back, but that’s beside the point.

So you know how I mentioned earlier that this could be book-related? Here’s how. Once you start looking for podcasts, you’ll see them pop up everyway, including in the book industry. For those of you who don’t know about it, one of our very own kidlitosphere bloggers has been producing book reviews via a podcast called Just One More Book! The other one I can think of off the top of my head (and it’s great, so you should go download it) is a podcast series produced by Random House interviewing Tamora Pierce (one of my all-time favorite authors), Christopher Paolini, and Phillip Pullman. You can find a link to it above, or just search for it in iTunes. HarperCollines has also gotten on the podcast bandwagon lately, with an author podcast for both their children's and teen books.

I’m sure there is way more out there, you just have to find them. If you know of one, or stumble across something good, send me an email and let me know. I’d love to help spread the word, and chances are good that I’ll eventually become addicted to the show too.


  1. Hi, yeah, podcasts are quite cool. I heard a podcast based on one of Tamora Pierce's books, I don't remember which one(!!!), and it was very nice. I enjoyed hearing the speaker tell the story. It's different from reading a book. But as long as the story is nice, then it's fine with me!

  2. Hi, Alyssa:
    Your post has inspired me to create some vodcasts for my blog, which promotes enjoyable history for kids. My son (8) and I often visit museums and historic sites, here and in the UK, and now we're going to do video reviews on-site! Sorry to sound like an extended plug... I hope all's ok with you, but I'm betting it's the middle of the term with all its attendant craziness. Cheers,


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