
Saturday, March 15, 2008

Random: Am I the only one who hasn't heard of this?

So I'm doing research for a magazine article in one of my classes about the ghosts that supposedly haunt Hampton Court Palace in England. I'm thinking mostly about Catherine Howard (Henry VIII's fifth wife) who has been spotted running down a room known as the Haunted Gallery shrieking for her life to be spared (she was beheaded shortly thereafter).

But this I didn't know. Maybe I just hadn't heard about this because I'm not a ghost enthusiast, but apparently there was a ghostly spotting in October 2003. You can read more about the incident here, but this is the video that is "proof" of the incident. Kinda spooky, even if it isn't real....


  1. Hi, Alyssa: Nah, it's not news: We Brits have so many ghosts, we practically trip over them! Seriously, I took my study abroad students from Georgia on a tour of Hampton Court last summer, and many staff dress in period costume. Maybe somebody was just grabbing a breath of fresh air. But that's boring, isn't it? Nope, it's a ghost. Woooooooooo.....

  2. I hadn't heard of that, either, but I do not follow ghostly news. Also: tagged you for the six-random-things meme, but don't feel obligated.


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