
Sunday, March 09, 2008

Update: Brandon Mull

Okay, so now I finally have time to catch you all up on my meeting with Brandon Mull (if you need a refresher about why I’m posting this, you can read the first post here).

We decided to meet over dinner (Me, Brandon Mull, and his sister Summer) so that he could be close to the store where the book signing happened that night. The meeting was set for 5:00, I got home from class at 3:40. So what did I do with all that time?

I fussed about my appearance. Anyone from my family or my roommates can tell you I’m not one to worry about looks, but I fussed and primped for over an hour. I think my roommates were quite entertained by the whole show, actually. I was so nervous I was about to hyperventilate. After all, this was only my second time meeting an author, and it would be for almost a whole hour.

As usual, it turned out I was worried about nothing. Both of them are really nice, so that’s always a plus. Besides, once I get started talking about books, I really can’t stop. :-) We talked a lot about the blogging world (since that’s why he wanted to meet with me), and I couldn’t resist discussing his books. I have a one track mind, I guess.

So overall, here’s my thoughts about the whole experience:
First of all, the steakhouse in my town has really good strawberry lemonade. :-)

Secondly, Brandon Mull is a very down-to-earth guy. He seems almost surprised (but happy, of course) that his books are doing so good. And by the way, if you read the Fablehaven series, don’t forget that the new one comes out in April (and if you don’t read them, go start. Now!). He assures me they get better and better as the series goes on, and the fourth should be out sometime next year.

One good thing about the whole experience is that I have finally managed to lose my residual guilt over reading YA books. When we were talking about blogging, he asked me what types of books I enjoyed reading most, and I admitted that I “never grew out of Young Adult lit.” His answer was “neither did I.” Isn’t that the best ever!

Well, that’s about all I can think about right now to tell. I think I covered most of it. If you have questions about what I missed let me know.

And Brandon, if you read this, thank you so much for the experience!


  1. i so need to read this series. i've had them on my tbr list forever it seems. sounds like you had quite the experience! i'm glad it went well!

  2. Oh, that sounds so AMAZING! How fun to have dinner with an author.....

  3. Yeah, I'm still a bit in shock over the whole thing. :-)

  4. Fablehaven is a great series, and the children love The Candy Shop War, although I found it disturbing. I'm glad that Mr. Mull is doing so well. He writes really some things, and seems to fully understand what children want.


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