
Monday, December 29, 2008

Contest Monday: Win a copy of The Debs

As I mentioned earlier, it's time for our first Contest Monday! Yay! Today's prize is a free paperback copy of Susan McBride's The Debs.

About the book (from back cover): "The heat is on down South! Debutante season in Houston is under way, and four ultraprivileged girls await thier invitations from the illustrious Glass Slipper Club.

Laura Delacroix Bell: This trust-fund baby's size-fourteen figure doesn't stop her from attracting hot boys or the admiring eye of the GSC selection committee. But a salacious secret could take her out of hte running quicker than you can say 'Rosebud.'

Michelle "Mac" Mackenzie: She'd rather bury her nose in a book than embrace her deb destiny. But Mac's debut is her late mother's dream and her stepmother's obsession. If Mac doesn't bow out now, she may become the crankiest deb in Texas.

Ginger Fore: She hopes to wear her grandmother's vintage ball gown on her big presentation day. But when a mysterious college guy puts Ginger's deb eligibility in jeopardy, she may end up wearing an unflattering orange jumpsuit instead.

Jo Lynn Bidwill: A former beauty queen, she makes it her mission in life to take out the debu-trash. For now, Jo Lynn's sights are set on Laura Bell, and what she has in store for her bitter rival is anything but ladylike.

The Debs...high society doesn't get any lower than this."

How to enter: Send an email to shadyglade (AT) mail (DOT) com with the subject line "The Debs Contest" and include:
  • Your name
  • Your email adress
  • The correct subject line
  • If you post about the contest somewhere, let me know and get a free entry
Rules: The contest is open until Monday, January 5, 2009 when the new contest will be posted. The winner will be chosen by a random number generator. One free entry per person allowed. Post ab0ut the contest to earn extra contest entries. Questions? Post a comment or email and ask.

See? Simple right? So go ahead and enter right away. Good luck to everyone! I'll announce the contest winner on Tuesday, January 6th.

The Debs is also available for purchase from

1 comment:

  1. I just send my email. Thanks for this.

    I have contests over at my blog too which end tomorrow. Check them out if you already haven't.



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