
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Waiting On Wednesday 12.31.08

This is going up a little later than I intended, but I've been sick with a stomach flu and I had Cybils deliberations this afternoon. But without further ado, here's my last Waiting on Wednesday post for 2008:

The True Adventures of Charley Darwin by Carolyn Meyer

From "Young Charley Darwin hated school—he much preferred to be outside studying birds' eggs, feathers, and insects. And so, at the age of twenty-one, he boarded a ship called HMS Beagle and spent five thrilling but dangerous years sailing around the world, studying plant and animal life that was beyond anything he could have imagined.Here, just in time for Darwin's 200th birthday and the 150th anniversary of the publication of his groundbreaking On the Origin of Species, historical novelist Carolyn Meyer tells the story of his unconventional adventures. It's the story of a restless childhood, unrequited teenage love, and a passion for studying nature that was so great, Darwin would sacrifice everything to pursue it."

I have to admit, I'm guilty of wanting to read this one simply because I love the author. Carolyn Meyer is so awesome! As a Biology minor, I hear about Charles Darwin all the time, so I think it will be interesting to read another side of his story, and Meyer is sure to do a great job. Plus, don't you just love the way Harcourt does her covers? They have such a misty/historical quality to them.

The True Adventures of Charley Darwin will be released on January 1 (tomorrow!) and is available for pre-order on

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