
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Waiting On Wednesday: 1.28.09

It's time for the last Waiting on Wednesday post of January! As such, I'm starting to get into some releases for next month.

Alis by Naomi Rich

From "At fourteen, Alis has never been outside her strict religious community. But when her parents arrange for her to marry a forty-year-old man, she flees desperately to the dangerous, unfamiliar city. She learns quickly that the only way to survive there is to become a thief—or worse. Facing an impossible choice between a forced marriage or life on the streets, Alis seizes control of her own fate. But the path she chooses sets off a disastrous chain of events that leave her accused of murder. Steadfastly loyal, Alis must decide: will she betray a loved one or sacrifice herself?"

So I still have The Patron Saint of Butterflies on my to-read list (come to think of it, what's not on my to-read list), and this topic fascinates me. Can't wait to read it!

Alis will be released on February 19th and is available for pre-order from

1 comment:

  1. This sounds really dark (Fourteen marrying forty? Yikes!) , and the cover reflects that! Yet I find the girl on the cover compelling and appreciate the simplicity of the title's font.



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