
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

So Where Have I Been?

My blog has been a little neglected lately. So where have I been? Well, to make a long story short, I was at Disneyland. :-) We went there for my aunt's birthday on January 19th, and so that trip cut into my blogging a bit.

Plus I just got a new job. Part-time freelance, but hey, it pays some bills! So with my working at the store and that, and one other project, I have the equivalent of two full-time jobs. It's a bit exhausting, but there you go.

Anyway, we're back to our regular Contest Monday as of yesterday. And I know I'm behind on posting Cybils nominees, so I'll be sprinkling those in throughout the week rather than just on Thursday. And tomorrow will have a Waiting on Wednesday post, so look for that.

By the way, whoever used my Amazon link to order my recommendation from my last Waiting on Wednesday, thank you. I love it when people use my Amazon links (it pays for essentials such as milk and bread), but it makes me feel so warm-fuzzy when someone orders a book I've featured or reviewed. So thank you! (If you want to learn more about why I use links, you can see the post on that here.)

And here's a preview of something else you can look forward to. I really am going to try and get through the stack of books that is sitting on my floor waiting to be reviewed. It's like 50+ books, I'm really kinda embarrassed about it. So look for more reviews (hopefully) coming soon. Not only am I behind on my blogging, but also my blog-reading, so maybe I'll throw up some links I've found interesting in the past few weeks. Some of them are quite old, I should've posted them a while ago.

And I also want to start a new feature! I'm not going to say much here at this point, because I don't know when I will be able to get the first post up. But keep an eye out on Saturdays for a new regular post. Speaking of regular posts, I just learned about Audiobook Fridays, so I may be participating in that soon too.

Well, that's it for this update. Hope to be back on my computer soon!

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