
Thursday, May 28, 2009

So What Do You Think?

Here's a thought that been bouncing around in my mind lately. When you are reading your blogs, do you every scroll down past the first post?

Here's why I ask. Lately, I've been trying to keep a goal of posting something every day. But some days, like Mondays, already have a post every week anyway. So if I want to post something else on that day, one of the two posts gets shoved halfway down my homepage.

Personally, this isn't really something I thought of until recently, because I follow all of my blogs in a reader. But looking at some new blogs made me think about it a little more. And of course, I seem to be OCD about polls, so there's a post in the sidebar (--->) if you want to vote.

But you can also weigh in with a comment here. So what do you think? Do you ever scroll down past the first post? What makes you want to keep scrolling down on a blog? Do you ever search archives? Labels? What kind of navigations do you like to see?

I really want to know!


  1. I've been really behind on my blog visits, but that's a good thing because I generally scroll down to see what I've missed recently and sometimes even go back a page if there might be more! I admit that I may not comment on every post because I feel that your Inbox might get annoyed with the bombardment of my comments :)

    Sometimes the most current header is the one that reminds me to visit that book blog and check out what's new!

    Exhibit A: This post :D

    I'm looking forward to Diamond Secret too, but I don't think I am a fan of Suzanne Weyn's writing...but we'll see.

  2. I generally read the first post because that's the latest one. ^^; I sometimes scroll down if I think I may have missed the previous one.

    I've been trying to post once everyday too but it's a bit hard to keep up with in all honesty.

  3. I generally scroll down at least a few posts, especially if it's a blog I haven't read before. Right now though, I'm doing really well with keeping up with my blogroll, so I know I'm not missing anything. I guess it would just really depend on the situation.

  4. I usually scroll down until I find something new, or to the bottom of the page.

  5. i subscribe via google reader - so unless i'm browsing around for a new blog to follow (in which case i do scroll down), it doesn't matter how often the posts go through. i read them all!

  6. When I find a new blog that I like I try to look through just about everything. The whole point of all this book blogging is to find out what you are reading, to see if I want to read it, if we share common views (or even uncommon ones) on similar books- it's entirely selfish. I do this to feed my own reading addiction. So yes, I read far more than the first post, and then I shamelessly dig through your stuff.

  7. I was just talking with another blogger about this recently when she mentioned she wouldn't be able to do her favorite weekly meme that day because she had another post to do instead. I told her to do them both. She hadn't even considered it because she assumed no one would read two in one day. She did use both of them. I always scroll down until I see something I already read. I don't get to all of the blogs every day so I catch up when I do get the chance to visit. I don't always comment on every post but I comment on at least some of them when I'm on a blog. I like to let them know I enjoyed what they had to say.

  8. I do read past the first post, to read all the other updtaes. I think that's kind of my OCD. xD

  9. I use a reader as well (Google) so I usually read all posts! But it is a thing to wonder about...

  10. I use Blogger following. I used to just open the link to the blog, but I realized that that wasn't the best strategy, so I began to open the links to the post instead, and I find that works the best for me. That way I see all the posts. :)

  11. I read everything from a reader, so I usually make it to older posts simply by doing that. I don't know if that helps...?

  12. Anonymous4:26 AM

    I definitely read past the first post.

  13. Usually, I start out with checking out the blogs I follow through the Google Reader, so usually all the updates are there and it's not an issue.

    If I'm visiting a blog that I don't follow, then chances are I usually scroll down to see if there's anything new beyond the first post =)

    I guess the only thing is the posts-per-page thing; I find that some with like, 20 posts on one page and graphic-heavy tend to take longer to load...

  14. I'll just sign lifeafterjane's words on this matter because that's what I do too :)


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