
Friday, May 29, 2009

Thank You!

I don't have a lot of time to post today, since I'm supposed to be headed to the post office (everyone who's been waiting on prize books, they are being mailed today!), but I wanted to drop by and say thank you to everyone who's commented on yesterday's post. And if you haven't weighed in yet, head over to that post and comment. I'd love to know what you think.

Based on the feedback I've gotten, it doesn't look like it will be a problem if I post more than once a day. So if you don't read past the first post, you might want to do that here, especially one days with regular features. Right now, that means Contest Monday, Teaser Tuesday, and Waiting on Wednesday, in case you needed a reminder. :-)

Again, thank you to everyone who commented so far. I absolutely love, love, love getting comments. So I encourage you to comment anytime you like. And you might get something in return too. But more about that next month...

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, heading to the post office sounds like an adventure, have fun!

    And same, totally love getting comments as well - it's reassuring, getting feedback and knowing that there are people out there who check out what's being written. ;)


I love to hear from you! Please remember to keep everything nice. You are free to disagree with my ideas, but anything mean or backbiting will be deleted. This is a friendly blog, let's keep it that way!