
Friday, June 26, 2009

Funnybone Fridays: Michael Jackson and Star Wars

So I was actually planning to post this next week, but with the news of Michael Jackson's passing yesterday, I'm pushing this up a week.

One of my favorite things about working at Disney's Hollywood Studios last summer was Star Wars Weekends. And one of my favorite things for that event was the nightly Hyperspace Hoopla. Unfortunately, I never got to see it live (I was working), but the videos people have shown me are hilarious.

So here's last year's video, when I was working there. The theme last year was a tribute to the 1980s, and here's where the Michael Jackson connection comes in. Stick with it until the last act to see a Star Wars version of Thriller. It's worth it, I promise.

Sometime in the next few days I'll post this year's video over at my Disney blog. If last year was the 1980s, you can probably guess what this year's theme is. Let's just say it involves the Spice Girls, MC Hammer, and some Backstreet Boys. You can subscribe over there if you don't want to miss that in the next few days.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Very cute! Love that video. :-)

  2. That video was so funny. I nearly cried at the end when they did Thriller. *tear* Michael Jackson will be greatly missed all over the world. Thanks for posting this.

    Oh, and I've got an award for you over at my blog! :)


  3. I nominated you for an award on my blog!

    Thanks for being awesome.

  4. I love love love this video! (So does my six-year-old son - he's almost a bigger Star Wars fan than I am! Almost!) Last year's dance-off was definitely better than this year's.

    I always get goosebumps when that Thriller music starts up and the doors open up and the smoke pours out...hahaha I'm such a dork.

  5. Hope you read this because there's a surprise waiting for you at my blog! =^D (hint: it's an with award)

  6. Hey, I nominated you for an award on my blog!


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