
Friday, June 26, 2009

Name Those Categories!

So, judging by the comments I received on this post, many of you think my recommendation week is a good idea. Cool! I think it's a good idea too.

I'm still toying around with ideas on how I want to implement it, but here's where I need your help at the moment. In order to make this work, I need a theme/category for each week. I can come up with some, but I'd like to know what you'd like to hear recommendations about.

These can be broad or more specific, but try to make them more specific than just a genre. In other words don't say "fantasy". Okay. What kind of fantasy? Do you like paranormal fantasy? High fantasy? Just fairies? Just vampires?

Here's another broad example: historical fiction. Okay. What time period? Do you want to include time travel in that? Let me know.

One last example before I open this up: summer reads. The reason this one bugs me is because, personally, I think every great book is a great summer read. But not everyone sees it that way. So do you mean books that take place in summer? Light, fluffy, fun-but-no-substance reads? Chicklit and/or romance books?

Anyway, start suggesting away. I'll take every suggestion (and add in some of my own) and maybe we'll get this thing going!


  1. I'd like to see your recommendations on historical fiction set in the 1800s. I really enjoy reading HF, and I've been looking for some good reads.

  2. Historical fiction during WWII

    Fantasy by character type:

    Dystopian fiction

    Futuristic fantasy/sci-fi

    Hmmmm There's a few. I'll check back later when I think of more.

  3. Fantasy/Horror:


  4. I'm a sucker for Historical Romances set anywhere between the 1500's and 1700's.

    I also love anything to do with Vamps :)

  5. I like Regency time period and urban fantasy.

  6. I like pretty much anything except hardcore science fiction, and books like Gossip Girl. (I don't wanna say Chick Lit, 'cause there are "Chick Lit" books I like).

  7. I second the fantasy section that Kristen wrote.


I love to hear from you! Please remember to keep everything nice. You are free to disagree with my ideas, but anything mean or backbiting will be deleted. This is a friendly blog, let's keep it that way!