
Friday, June 12, 2009

It's time for a Bloggiesta!

The time has come. I've finally committed to a continual blogging event. For three years I've watched participants in events like the 48 hour book challenge and wished I could particpated. Because, let's face it, my mother would probably kill me if I tried to spend 48 hours reading and did nothing else.

Enter the Bloggiesta. Natasha over at Maw Books Blog has started this event as a way for you to get caught up on all those posts and blog improvements you've be meaning to do forever, and haven't ever gotten around to. Think of it as instead of shrinking your TBR pile, you're shrinking your TBB (to be blogged) pile. I really, really, really need to catch up on reviews, so I will be spending most of that time working on that probably. And maybe I'll turn my attention to that neglected Disney blog too...

The Bloggiesta starts at 8am on Friday, June 19th (one week from today) and runs through the following Sunday (the 21st) through 8am. Full rules and details can be found at the event post.

So if you have a blog, join me and sign up! Now I'm off to work really hard on unpacking some things. That way I don't get sass from my family if I spend all next weekend blogging!


  1. Enjoy the Bloggiesta :)

  2. Have fun!

    I have received Water Song today, thank you!

  3. Have fun!
    I'll have to check this out, I DO have things I need to catch up on..

  4. Thanks for posting about the bloggiesta! Thrilled that you're doing it! Yay!!


I love to hear from you! Please remember to keep everything nice. You are free to disagree with my ideas, but anything mean or backbiting will be deleted. This is a friendly blog, let's keep it that way!