
Thursday, June 11, 2009

New Features: The Random Contest

I guess instead of having New Features week, I should have just called June New Features month. Oh well. I keep having all these great ideas for new stuff!

Today I'm introducing the new feature called Random Contests. Why Random Contests? Well, because they are random. The posting will be random, the entries random, the length random, the prizes random. If I feel like putting up a contest, I'll put up a contest. Sometimes you'll have to do something to enter, sometimes you'll have to be fast, and sometimes you'll just have to be lucky.

Today's contest is going to be one of the luck kind. If you've been paying attention to my posts you'll know that I'm a bit of a Jane Austen fan. In order to win you'll need to correctly answer this question: How many Jane Austen or Austen-inspired books do I have on my bookshelves? This would include books written by Jane Austen, books about Jane Austen (fiction or nonfiction), or books inspired by Jane Austen (such as yesterday's WOW feature, Prada & Prejudice). So take a guess!

Rules: To enter, post your answer in the comments below, or send your answer to me by email with the subject "Austen Guess." More than one person can guess the same number. One entry per person. Entries will be open until noon PST on Saturday June 13th. The person who guesses the right number of books will be the winner. In the event that two (or more) people guess correctly, a winner will be randomly selected from the correct guesses. Please note that comments made on this post don't count for this month's comment contest.

Today's random prize: The winner of this contest will get their choice of either 1 free book listed in my Bookmooch inventory, or a Bookmooch point for you to request your own book. Obviously you will need to be a Bookmooch member for the latter prize. Don't know what Bookmooch is all about? You can read more about it in my post. If we have runners-up, each will get an extra entry into either the current Contest Monday or Comment Contests, whichever they choose.

So good luck to everyone. Now guess away!


  1. Hmmmm! I'm gonna guess 23. It is just a guess though. lol. I could be way off the mark.


  2. Hmm..I'm going to say 11.

  3. Briana- Guessing if perfectly fine. Think of it as a "how many jellybeans in the jar" kind of thing. :-)

  4. I'm going to say 17 because it's how old I'll be next year :)

  5. I was gonna say 17.. but I want to be original so I'll go with 14

  6. I'm guessing 29. :)

  7. Let SEE IM guessing 11

  8. Well, this is a hard one to answer...but I guess I'll go and say 16. :)


  9. How about 21? Wish me luck! :D

  10. I'm going to go with 18.


  11. Hmmm. I'm gonna go with 13.

  12. I just came across a site you might be interested in. It a quiz to see which Austen heroine you are right here:

    I am Elinor Dashwood of Sense & Sensibility. Interesting. :D

  13. Chioma9:41 AM

    I will guess exactly 9. Because it is my favorite number!!!

  14. Hmmm... Lucky 13?

    paradoxrevealed (at) ai (dot) com

  15. Well, I know you at least have six. Counting sequels and other related books, I'm going to say 23.


I love to hear from you! Please remember to keep everything nice. You are free to disagree with my ideas, but anything mean or backbiting will be deleted. This is a friendly blog, let's keep it that way!