
Sunday, June 07, 2009

New Feature: LOL of the week

Okay, so I guess I lied when I said yesterday was the end of New Features week. Because I just now thought of an idea of something else. I call it LOL of the week.

Some of you may remember my review of the I Can Has Cheezburger? book back in February. Well, I have some many LOLs that I'd like to share. So on Sundays (since I usually don't have much time to post anything) I'll be sharing an LOL with you to help lighten up your week from the beginning.

Welcome to the first post:

For those of you who have trouble getting up on Mondays. ;-)

If you'd like to learn more about LOLcats, you can check out the website, or read my review of the book.

Have a great week!


  1. Great lol post =D

  2. I love LOL cats! I don't visit the site very often, but only because I'd be there all day. Great idea!

  3. This cat is so me!

    ...except for the pointy ears. My ears are not pointy!
    ...oh, and rather than wave my tail in the air, I usually wave a languorous arm in the air to signify that I'm up.

    But other than that, this cat is so me!

  4. This feature is SO CUTE!
    I love lol cats and now I see one every week?


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