I know what you're thinking... "A review? She's actually posting a review?" Haha, so funny. Yes, after a long break, I'm actually taking a few minutes to post a review. I literally have a stack of 50 or so books that really should be taken care of before this one, but I enjoyed this book so much I just had to share it.
For those of you who haven't heard of I Can Has Cheezburger?.com, let me tell you, you are missing out. This website collects funny pictures of cats, rabbits, squirrels and other animals and readers caption and submit them to be voted on by viewers. The best images are then placed on the homepage.
It sounds simple enough, but the brillance is really hard to explain without experiencing it firsthand. Some of them are funny, some are not funny, and some are roll on the floor gasping for breath funny.
As a follower of the site for about a year, I was exstatic when I found out they were releasing an I Can Has Cheezburger?
book. My very own collection of Lolcats? I am so there! The book is an excellent collection of the best, funniest, and quientissential Lols found on (and off) the site. It's a quick read (mostly pictures with a few phrase captions) but it's a book I will read over and over, especially when you need a humor pick-me-up. I only had the guts to ask for one book this Christmas (since I have so many already), but I am so happy that this was the only book I got. It totally made up for a lack of books in other areas.
Just to give you a taste of what you've been missing, here are my some of my favorite Lolcats pulled from the site's blog. For your enjoyment, and to convice you how much you need this book, you may want to click on each picture to enlarge it and enjoy it fully. I'll catch you again down at the bottom.
So if that hasn't convinced you that you need this book, I don't know what will. If you've enjoyed these, head over to I Can Has Cheezburger?.com and check out the thousands they have over there.
I need to warn you, there's quite a few reoccuring phrases and jokes, which may take a bit to catch onto. And the grammar and spelling are horrible. But that's one of the things that makes it so funny. Besides, you'll be fluent in Lolspeak in no time! Of course, the book is great for explaning the jargon and reoccuring gags, if you're simply lost altogether. Bottom line: if you're in a humor slump, you need to order your copy of I Can Has Cheezburger?
right away!
Shady Glade Rating: 10/10!
I Can Has Cheezburger?
is available to order on Amazon.com:
I love the toilet one. They're hilarious
oh I love it! Totally adding this to my wishlist!
I just love this review. I have 3 cats and they are always funny. I will have to buy this book.
I went in an made my own comment.
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